Trump & The Sting - The Storm to Re-Take America (EBOOK - PDF)

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This is my attempt to bring people up to speed regarding what is really going on in America today. The ebook started out as an effort to summarize for myself the amazing current events that led to the massive sting now being carried out by Donald Trump and the team working with him to end corruption not only in America but around the globe. We are living in fascinating times and someone ought to make a movie about the hidden war being fought. What is at stake for us? Either we will take a step forward (leap?) in consciousness...or we will end in disintegration and disaster. I would point out that the unfolding of daily events touches every one of us even if we are not paying much attention, and I attempt to detail here some of the ways my own life has been affected by what deeply affects us history. (32 pages)


Pg. 5 - "By this time in our unfolding story, people were leaving farms and rural life in huge waves of migration to the cities, a factor that made global control much easier. When people move to the city, they lose their connection to Mother Nature along with an entire array of survival skills and knowledge. In the city, everything necessary for people to survive – land, water, food, transportation, and communication – was something you had to buy. Thus, getting money became the single survival skill you needed to know. Money was – and is – still touted by religion as the root of all evil, but the fact is that money is now the root of survival. As more and more people relied on dollars to ensure survival rather than on self-sufficiency, skills, and knowledge of how to work with Nature and animals, we not only lost a certain intrinsic security that stabilized us, we lost clarity and inner authority. We became more and more dependent, a factor that was carefully nursed by those in control."

Pg. 11 - "Bush was followed by Barack Obama. I listened to the pre-election rhetoric and thought he was quite intelligent and very right about what we needed…but I kept having a subtle resistance to him that I could not put my finger on. I kept putting that resistance aside. Although there was a lot of hoopla about having a first black president, I was not interested in his color…I was interested in him beating John McCain. My skin crawled every time I watched or listened to McCain. I didn’t know much about him, but my intuition as a human and as a woman could not be talked down to a calm appraisal. Everything in me screamed, “Traitor, liar, cheater…” long before these characteristics were publicly revealed by Veteran’s Today."

Pg. 18 - "In 2011, Keenan, originally struggling with the robbery of a few bonds, realized he was now struggling with the Western banking system and the entrenched corruption that was everywhere. He hosted a secret meeting of representatives from 57 countries, many of whom discovered that they each were being ‘squeezed’ by the U.S. for $10 million here or $20 million there and who wanted to do something to stop it. The meeting was held in Monaco on an elegant yacht, but it was ‘crashed’ by one of the Rockefellers and his goons who tried to muscle their way in. There was a serious confrontation and the Rockefeller contingent was thrown out. However, Rockefeller and his goons took to the air in helicopters and went after the boat, only giving up when someone’s fighter jets came after them."

Pg. 20 - "In the Trickster setup, in order to resolve the problem, the hero or heroine has been cast into a suppressed, slave-like position (similar to Cinderella) and must waken to the problem and make a difficult choice. On the one hand, someone beckons the hero (us) to take what looks like a normal, smooth, and familiar path full of promises of relief. This was Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, a man in a clown suit with bright orange hair beckons us to take what looks like a risky and completely unfamiliar path full of contradictions, uproar, and ridiculously impossible challenges. This was Trump…and in a stunning upset, we chose Trump, the clown with the orange hair!"

Pg. 30 - "When you listen to the media, whether mainstream or alternative for even a few minutes, you hear the phrase over and over about “trying to get rid of Trump…hating Trump…taking down Trump…blocking Trump…” I don’t think that the Democrats, the Republicans, the Left, Right, or the Media are trying to get rid of Trump…they’re trying to save their own ass, trying to avoid prosecution for the horrendous crimes committed, trying to avoid going to jail. It’s not really about Trump at all, it’s about them and their efforts to avoid discovery and prosecution."

Published 2018