February 22, 2018

A Few Tough Questions...

A Few Tough Questions...

There are a lot of crap questions being asked since the Florida school shooting and I’d like to ask a few of my own. How many kids have to die before the American people realize that they are under attack by the New World Order, the Cabal, or whatever you want to call it? How long will it take ‘til we wake up and realize they are targeting children because that gets the most emotional, least thought-out response? How many shootings do we have to have using an AR-15 automatic rifle before we wake up and realize that if these were truly random shootings, there would be an assortment of guns used – not just AR-15s? Why is the AR-15 the featured gun in so many of these shootings? Is it because the New World Order wants to make sure that automatic rifles are outlawed so no guns of significant power are available to us? Can you imagine a shoot out between someone with a .22 rifle or even a .45 caliber handgun and an AR-15? Who would be the loser? Hands down – it would NOT be the AR-15! How many times do we have to hear that the FBI was somehow aware of the shooter before we say, “Hmm…what is the connection there? Out of 350 million people in the U.S., why is the FBI watching or dealing with the small handful of people who become mass-shooters?” Duh! How many times do we have to be told that the shooter was ‘angry, mentally disorganized, or emotionally unstable’ before we say, “How did such a misfit get organized enough to make the money to buy the AR-15 and ammunition necessary for such a shooting? Might someone or some organization been helping him?" Again, why is it always an automatic rifle? How did the shooter suddenly become organized enough to be wildly successful in his shooting spree when he hadn’t been able to organize any other kind of success in his life?

Goddammit, people, WAKE UP! These aren’t just miscellaneous shootings. They are an organized plan to get us to gut the last remaining article of our Constitution!! When are we going to wake up?? Do you have any idea what is really going on behind the façade of civility presented to us by mainstream news? There’s a war going on and it’s time we realized we are losing. It’s too bad that people have died, but that’s what happens in a war. Don’t make it worse by pretending nothing serious is going on, thereby sacrificing the whole country and the few shreds of freedom we have left.