There are a lot of crap questions being asked since the Florida school shooting and I’d like to ask a few of my own. How many kids have to die before the American people realize that they are under attack by the New World Order, the Cabal, or whatever you want to call it? How long will it take ‘til we wake up and realize they are targeting children because that gets the most emotional, least thought-out response? How many shootings do we have to have using an AR-15 automatic rifle before we wake up and realize that if these were truly random shootings, there would be an assortment of guns used – not just AR-15s? Why is the AR-15 the featured gun in so many of these shootings? Is it because the New World Order wants to make sure that automatic rifles are outlawed so no guns of significant power are available to us? Can you imagine a shoot out between someone with a .22 rifle or even a .45 caliber handgun and an AR-15? Who would be the loser? Hands down – it would NOT be the AR-15! How many times do we have to hear that the FBI was somehow aware of the shooter before we say, “Hmm…what is the connection there? Out of 350 million people in the U.S., why is the FBI watching or dealing with the small handful of people who become mass-shooters?” Duh! How many times do we have to be told that the shooter was ‘angry, mentally disorganized, or emotionally unstable’ before we say, “How did such a misfit get organized enough to make the money to buy the AR-15 and ammunition necessary for such a shooting? Might someone or some organization been helping him?" Again, why is it always an automatic rifle? How did the shooter suddenly become organized enough to be wildly successful in his shooting spree when he hadn’t been able to organize any other kind of success in his life?
Goddammit, people, WAKE UP! These aren’t just miscellaneous shootings. They are an organized plan to get us to gut the last remaining article of our Constitution!! When are we going to wake up?? Do you have any idea what is really going on behind the façade of civility presented to us by mainstream news? There’s a war going on and it’s time we realized we are losing. It’s too bad that people have died, but that’s what happens in a war. Don’t make it worse by pretending nothing serious is going on, thereby sacrificing the whole country and the few shreds of freedom we have left.
Lance Larsen
AR-15’s are “SEMI automatic” (civilian legal) rifles, where one pull of the trigger fires one round.
Government M-16 and M-4 rifles are “automatic rifles”, and can fire more than one round per pull of the trigger. They are also called “fully automatic” rifles, “select fire” rifles or “machineguns”.
I only mention it because it is an important distinction.
January 02, 2020
Karen Ridgeway
Wow! How thought provoking and enlightened. I too wondered about the similarities with the weapons and mental state of the shooters. I agree we are at war and the war is against humanity. Please keep waking people up. We are listening to you. Thank you for all you do.
December 23, 2018
philip moscatello
Penny you are so right and why are no other people saying the same thing? Keep up the good work.
December 23, 2018
Lynda McMullen-Boyce
Penny, this is spot on and what I have been thinking all along. I have been coming upon you again and again for sometime now. Mostly on YouTube. After the Regina Meredith interview, I bought your book “The Robes” and have been reading, absorbing, then reading again. I also subscribe to Gaia.Tv where, I must say, your experience is such in lock step with some of the more conscious minded contributors on the site, i.e.; Regina, Cory Goode, etc. The paths are being shown and lighted in so many different ways yet they all weave an underling web of such truth and understanding. It is like I have been on this quest for truth of things since I was a very small kid and, through all my experiences, these pieces that I have been collecting seem to be finally creating a whole, more complete picture. You are definitely a corner piece. I am so glad to have found you :o)
December 23, 2018
I have seen the FBI involved in nearly all of the terrorist attacks (false flag operations) since the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. They are all orchestrated by what I call the deep state. The deep state are orchestrated by what I call the International banking cartel, or the Cabal, or the ruling families. They also poison us via air, food, water, plastics, pesticides, gmo’s, vaccines, and drugs and more. I’m tired and dismayed at the slow pace of awakening of people though it seems to have quickened lately. I know Trump and the white hats who recruited him to run are attacking these evil people who control the world and who own the USA, Inc. This gives me hope. I have just today found you and will right now buy your Trump PDF to see what you have to say. I greatly appreciate you and the work you are doing. Tell the Robes thank you as well.
December 23, 2018
Hi Penny, me again. You’ve just answered question #1. Yes, it’s so obvious. I want to talk to you about WW2…It seems there is a trend (WW2, Palestine, 9/11, Iran, Iraq, Syria, many other) of someone pointing the finger at someone else. The real people we should be looking at is the people doing the pointing…They are responsible for mass murder, mass pain and mass suffering. I look forward to hearing from you – SA
December 23, 2018
Helena Loges
Penny, what you have stated is so true. These people that are behind these false flags are getting sloppy and if the average person does just a little bit of digging, their narrative falls apart. Speaking of false flags, there is a great investigative journalist by the name of Christopher Bollyn who has done unmatched research on 9/11. Every one should see his presentations. He really gets to the core of why, who, and how it was done.
It is sad that our media treats those of us who question their stories as nutjobs with too much time on our hands. We are just thinkers, that’s all.
December 23, 2018
Thanks Penny,
I live in Australia, my sister and I discuss this topic each time we hear of another shooting in American schools. We have said for ages that the shootings are staged, wake up people, think outside the box and see what’s really happening.
December 23, 2018
Naomi S.
Penny, I have never tho’t about the issue you are raising, that is, that the school shootings are always done with the same type of automatic weapon. But you are right; we need to ask what the significance is of this fact. You seem to know what the significance is so why are the “rest” of us missing it?
I only found your web-site this evening so this information is new to me. A few years ago a friend who is very interested in raising her consciousness gave me your book about the elves at Lily Hill Farm and I tho’t it was wonderful. So it doesn’t surprise me that you are delving into that whole subject. That, of course, leads you to consider many things that aren’t right with out society and most specifically our government.
I will be interested to read and consider what you have to offer in the coming weeks and months.
As an aside, in order for you to have a better picture of who I am, I would like you to know that I am a 74-year-old grandmother with four little grandsons under the age of seven. I am very closely involved with those precious little boys. Two of them—twins—and their mother (my daughter) live with me presently and I am very concerned about what kind of future there will be for them as they grow into adulthood.
I live a very modest life on a very small income so sometimes it is a struggle to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. My daughter is employed and shares expenses but still, there’s not much left over.
I have had employment of various types all through my life but have mostly been a “housewife” staying at home caring for my two children. My husband of twenty-five year left suddenly for another relationship, so I have had my struggles, but I know without a doubt that healing and health and happiness come only through love. Love of oneself, of all others and of the planet we live on. A big task but I believe the only way we will survive.
I am glad to know that you are out there doing what you know to do for the benefit of our beautiful world.
Naomi Shelton
(a fellow Michigander, by the way!)
December 23, 2018
I thought we were to reconnect with our Mother, Gaia. I don’t think our Mother supports war and AR15’s or any other automatic weapons, bombs etc. Hunting is a long tradition and a valid one with indigenous people. Nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership. I thought we, as adults, were responsible for the safety of our children, our main goal as parents to protect and care for the needs of the children we bring into the world. We adults have failed so the children are taking a stand. Allowing automatic weapons to be purchased by almost anyone is not a responsible practice in this upside down world. Just having an AR15 is not going to make us and our families safe.
‘The Elite’ will lose their power eventually. Truth wins out. Good is more powerful than fear which leads to hate. We know there is a war going on but we the ‘mass of conscious beings’ are here to promote peace not fear. We are not afraid. We will continue to be kind and use our skills to become more independent with our Mother. The ‘Robes’ insisted on individual responsibility.
We had a ban on assault weapons and less people died needlessly. Our country has supported and waged war killing millions by now. More weapons of war are not the answer. Anyway, donors who support and control republicans will never agree to sane gun laws. Donor money rules our corrupt government not the people. If anyone really wants to kill another human a rifle can do the job from a distance and the shooter can be out of sight. Remember Kennedy. If our government decides to kill a bunch of people I’m sure they will find a way, missiles and what not. Just like the hit on the Pentagon, 9/11, and the towers. How can the answer be more automatic weapons?
December 23, 2018
Sarah B
Hi there. Just saying, I posted a comment two days ago, said it was approved but dont see it here.
No need to post this one. Just checking to see what happened.
December 23, 2018
Sarah B
Sadly the social programming, the dumbing down, has worked beyond wildest expectations. The population is so manipulated I fear that people have lost all ability to think clearly and question beyond more than a 30 second spoon-fed artfully crafted soundbite. Hence reactive thought and action win out over serious in-depth questioning. People are so desperately afraid of loosing their bubble of comfort that they refuse to acknowledge how deeply messed up our entire socio-political-economic system is. So most have chosen denial.
We have been entrained to give up our individual power and in doing so we have also relinquished all personal responsibility. What an exchange. Perhaps this is at the root of it all. It is a fascinating spectacle to behold, the infantilization of humanity. Some of the most intelligent people I know refuse to look beneath the surface at what is really happening.
December 23, 2018
I think for crimes such as these we need to return to Public Execution. I feel that would curtail it fast.
December 23, 2018
Penny, I wholeheartedly agree with your thoughts on this horrific subject, except for one thing…I don’t feel that we are losing. I had a powerful waking vision a few years ago when I was despairing of the situation on this planet. I was shown a large snake thrashing and writhing, frantically striking and biting in every direction and I heard, “it is in their death throes when they are most dangerous”. I haven’t thought about this vision for a long time but it popped in my head this morning while I was driving in to work…..now i know why. They are dying and lashing out in the most dangerous ways they know how. Please don’t lose heart Penny, we need you to hold the light, hold the light, hold the light. May the blessings be….
December 23, 2018
Terrie Cummins
Great ‘Q’uestions Penny!
My question is if a AR-15 big enough to fight that much evil?
December 23, 2018
Kathleen Miller
I think this is the part where we homeschool and people started living more like some of the ways the elves and the little men in robes described to you. I think it is pushing us toward evolution some mysterious way. I rather have my daughter safe than in the hands of this insanity. This never happened in my school but that was the 80’s.
December 23, 2018
David Wolf
I was having a similar conversation with a vet yesterday and asked a similar question. The look in his eyes said it all. Light switch on moment. Hadn’t thought of it that way before, he said. 45 made a comment regarding the release of the memo/ doc that was contrivecial after his State of The Union speech. Basically made the comment, it will be released to someone on his way out shacking hands. The next morning a train full of republicans hit a garbage truck. Coinsedence? I don’t think so. A lot is in play right now and it is bringing me back to home base. See you soon Penny. Thank you for the questions.
December 23, 2018
February 22, 2018
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Children are a Gift to Oneself
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
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