What is the difference between the dollar, cryptocurrency, and gold? All three of these are forms of money that we have sort of made up…like the imaginary money in Monoply®. We just decided it was real. We could just as easily have decided that pink pebbles were going to serve as our money.
We can’t really make good choices on what to use, what to hold, or what to invest in until we understand the key differences among them and take appropriate action. Perhaps the biggest difference among them is that, so far, only gold is a store of value, meaning that it is valuable in its own right. It can be turned into jewelry, a vase, a sculpture, used in technology, in medicine, turned into coins and used to buy things, or shaped into bullion and stuffed into a safe to be kept for future needs during downturns in an economy.
The more available something is, the more its value goes down. Technically, dollars, cryptos, and possibly pink pebbles act as units of account. This means they act as measuring sticks. By deciding what something is worth, we use forms of money to help us measure the value of something - a dozen eggs, a car, or maybe a haircut. Dollars, cryptos, and pink pebbles are not a store of value. Why? Because they are almost unlimited. True, cryptos have been set up with built-in limits, but it is easy to see that we are already creating ways around those limits by creating hard forks or breaking them into ever smaller units.
There is a lot of talk about Bitcoin as a store of value – but is it? Can it ever be? In this reality system, we can do whatever we want, decide whatever we want, and so it is possible that Bitcoin could be arbitrarily designated as a store of value in the same way that we have decided gold is a store of value. Going in the opposite direction, we could also treat Bitcoin and other cryptos as commodities - something to be purchased, to be owned, or as something we use to purchase goods and services with, in which case it becomes a measuring stick that determines the value of something. All of this is speculation, however, if we don’t get an infrastructure going. If we can't USE it easily, it’s going to collapse or become meaningless and all those millions and billions of dollars people spent on them are going to settle down forever in the pockets of the big banks, which is where the cash goes when you buy coins.
Is this "lack of infrastructure" problem something to worry about? Maybe. Factors in play are: 1. The elite/bank efforts to create a cashless society in which they control the network infrastructure AND the electrical switch that powers the whole thing, and 2. The fact that we are becoming more abstract and less dependent on physical goods as we move toward becoming a space-based civilization that does not really NEED a planet because we have evolved to the point of being able to manipulate frequencies well enough to produce whatever is needed out of what used to be thought of as 'thin air.'
Regarding Factor 1, there has been plenty of evidence that we are being guided/pushed toward a cashless society. Is this what we want? Is this going to work well for us if we are not the ones managing the network or controlling the energy switch? In spite of a lack of infrastructure, if the elites/banks want a cashless society, they will do everything in their power to make sure the cryptocurrencies work. So maybe we shouldn't worry too much about whether or not cryptos are going to last or go anywhere.
Regarding Factor 2, if you step back a bit and view the big picture, whether to buy cryptos or not forces us to ask ourselves, "Where are we going?" The answer to that question is that we are moving slowly but steadily toward becoming a space-based civilization. When a population reaches the point that they begin to rely on things that are not physical, or have not been dug up, heated down, and formed into something the masses need, those people have taken the first steps along the road that leads to being able to rely on the use of the frequencies everywhere around us in space. This frees us from being tethered to a planet!
When we can produce water, nutrient-dense foods, energy, healing, education, and intelligent materials by generating the frequencies that underlie and then manifest physical items, we are no longer a primitive race beating our war chests and pretending that we are alone and are the central, most powerful beings in the universe.
Since we can already produce ALL of the things mentioned above – water, foods, energy, healing, education, and intelligent materials – it is only a matter of time before the goal of joining with other civilizations in space becomes realized. Thus, the choice of whether or not to buy and use cryptos is really a vote to move into the future and across the galaxy.
Allan Post
Love your comments, Jan. Penny, your blog brings clarity to the issues crytocurrency raises. You don’t pretend to have all the answers on it, but there are few places in society people are conversing intelligently about it.
February 29, 2020
Jan of Sweden
As I have understood it from a spiritual viewpoint, ” money ”, i.e. monetary exchange units, was envisioned, created and implemented as a mirroring tool by the beings that oversee the development of LIFE and consciousness on this planet, due to a major drop in consciousness
( amnesia ) about 13000 years ago.
This “ tool “ was created as an intermediary and/or interface that would provide a mirroring of our own thoughts, feelings and actions to the degree that would eventually teach us how we handled our own distribution of energy and consciousness.
The ideal function of this tool, was ( and still is ) as a medium of exchange, and not as an attempt at storage of value.
The belief in Storage of “value “, has at it’s core the paradigm of LACK. That is, the belief that there is not enough to go around, and thereof also denying our own consciousness as creators, and is also an accentuation of the belief that there is only one “ LIFE “ cycle and that we therefore should accumulate as much as possible while there is still “ time “, thus propagating the attitude that physical death is all we can hope for.
“ Value “, is here and now ! It is dependent of attention, feeling and thinking.
This entails developing our-selves to the degree that the full range of our consciousness is anchored in the physical body, thus subduing the projective need / bias of ripping off our environment and fellow humans because of the belief in death and lack….
January 02, 2020
Hi Penny
I began buying Bitcoin (a relatively small amount) in 2014. I have no idea how this will play out in the long run. I think there’s an equal chance it will end up either worthless or a worth a small fortune. I just sit back and watch.
At this stage, it’s debatable whether Bitcoin will end up being a store of value or unit of account. Gresham’s law is a monetary principle stating that “bad money drives out good,” which is why people tend to hoard (“hodl”) Bitcoin, rather than spend it. They’d rather spend the fiat currency in their wallet first.
Bitcoin has all the same monetary characteristics as gold (durability, portability, divisibility, uniformity, limited supply and general acceptability – OK, we’re still working on that last one), except it’s not something tangible you can hold in your hand. But then, 99% of the money supply is already digital (credit) – only about 1% exists as currency (physical notes and coins).
Bitcoin has a finite supply. Only 21 million bitcoins will be mined in total and it will be the year 2140 by the time we approach that number. The smallest fraction of a bitcoin is called a Satoshi, which represents one bitcoin divided to 8 decimal places.
No other cryptocurrency can ever replicate Bitcoin. I think this is primarily because of the mystery surrounding its creator and the fact that the Bitcoins mined by Satoshi Nakamoto have never been spent. Every fork of the Bitcoin blockchain has eventually ended up near worthless and every other cryptocurrency is just someone’s idea of a get-rich-quick scheme (and unlike Bitcoin, you can identify the creator and send them to prison).
I’d just like to make one correction: you stated that cash goes to the banks when you buy Bitcoin. The banks have no involvement in this (and I think that’s where its power lies). When you buy Bitcoin, you’re buying it from another willing seller, who either purchased that Bitcoin from someone else or mined it themselves.
I’m quietly confident this will all work out in the end. The Bitcoin development community includes some of the brightest minds in the world and there’s a lot of exciting developments in the pipeline.
November 28, 2019
Jan of Sweden
As you put it; " in this reality system "….. We pride ourselves of being able to dream up a physical, emotional and mental construct which we call value, which we in our socities with our blatant lack of physical, emotional and mental integrity then, have created an identity fiction around ( belief ) that creates, propagates and reinforces stratification, stigmatisation and suffering due to the biased cry of the personality ego saying " my education is more worth than yours… my grandmother was in the concentration camps, therefore I deserve to be compensated more for my suffering……. I have worked hard to get where I am, so I deserve to be richly paid regardless that my employees in the Chinese cellar can’t live on their wages… “. On and on and on and on…. Creating an ongoing re-victimization and attitude of powerlessness in it’s feedback loop.
If I borrow a term from esoteric literature, this feedback loop could be called a collective “ guardian on the threshold “. This collective threshold of a guardian, is the debris of Christmas passed… that is, the accumulated garbage of past reality constructs that have not been dealt with or healed following the original choice to separate ( forget ) from source and wade in the mud of 3D.
” Value ”… as it were, is in this reality system a construct not based on any ” REALITY ” . it is a biased structure congruent of the level of spiritual attainment ( or lack thereof in this case ) in our particular maze.
As such, it is by definition inpermanent.
You may call the physical structures dollars, pesos, crypto or seashells… The biases of the current consciousness will always make it’s mark and see to it that it’s feedback loop continues.
Regarding cashless societies. I believe that this is not a good idea. Contemplating the lack of this societies integrity, a cashless society would introduce a most unwanted possibility of authoritarian control, and hence prolonging the path towards a much needed altruistic view of the human being.
Regarding gold: Gold is of course not immune to the feedback loops mentioned above…. And aside from it’s ornamental properties, electronic properties and it’s symbolism as “ son of the sun “, it has no inherent “ value “. But… and it’s a big butt, in the future when we’ve tamed our innate consciousness abilities, I believe that gold will be used for it’s healing properties ( colloidal gold 10000 ppm / good for increasing integrity in the nervous system & energy fields ).
Trading life for economic survival is not liberty.
Liberty is freedom from both fear and survival
No LIFE needs to earn the right to live
November 28, 2019
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
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