Since the death of my first husband on Christmas eve, I have been thinking about death and dead things. Not morbidly, but with a mixture of sadness and the observation that everything changes and our world is looking quite old and frayed. What have I observed?
- Oil is dead.
- Chemical food is dead.
- Chemotherapy is dead.
- Factory farming is dead.
- GMOs are dead.
- Education for conformity is dead.
- Religion is (almost) dead.
- The U.S. dollar is dead.
- Television is dead.
- Mass in-your-face advertising is dead.
- Nuclear energy is dead.
- Retirement is dead.
- The two-party political system is dead.
- Globalism is dead.
- Nationalism is dead.
- The patriarchy is dead.
- Polluting without paying is dead.
- The dig-it-up, melt-it-down, beat-it-into-shape mindset is dead.
- The idea of death is dead because people are energy and energy does not die, it just dissipates if you don't keep it going.
Keep it going, people! There is a whole world that must be re-created, renewed, and revitalized.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had time to sit down and read much. Warm weather means much to do in the pasture and it never ALL gets done. Such losses as yours, even though you were divorced, still lead to the “holes in our souls” that eventually define our lives. I’ve collected quite a few myself and it drains one’s enthusiasm for all but the most important things – and also helps to define what’s important now vs. what was in the past. I’m glad you have the blessing of being able to move between Worlds and realities, though, which brings actual meaning to much of the “whys” in our existence. Our religions are seriously in need of a major overhaul so that they can uplift and instruct us once again rather than maintain our status as lemmings.
Our World is changing but I truly wonder if it’s for the better. The Internet and IOT brings us closer than we can stay comfortable with. We can see this as people begin to drop off of things like Facebook and search for some privacy once more. We are manipulated through these mediums and that realization is beginning to permeate our culture. What I really fear, though, is, given the characteristics of being Human the only way back to a more “enlightened” existence is through a very dark and troubled land. I fear we will all walk through the Valley of Death so that the Earth can rest and make itself ready to, once again, be a place of instruction for our souls rather than an overflowing Gulag Archipelago ruled by the Elites.
October 29, 2019
Norma Green
I think we all want and need to be able to teleport
June 18, 2019
Norma. Green
Would like to subscriibe
June 18, 2019
Sheila K.
Hi Penny I have been listening to many of your interviews and just ordered all your books yesterday. I also read your sting ebook. Might I remind you and everyone that no matter what happens the Source is eternally the manifestation of the Force. In which case the good and wonderful things you saw in out future will inevitably come to pass once we get past all the evil that does not serve the highest best interests of the whole. DIVINE order always prevails albeit with a little help from our friends in high places.
In my opinion your robed friends are probably connected to St Francis whose 🙏 prayer was always to be an instrument of PEACE.
You may think it’s a hard task for a relatively few of lightworkers on Earth compared to the entire population but just remember what Margaret Mead said about a small group of dedicated people bringing about the changes needed to make a positive outcome. The 1%, 100th monkey, tipping point will ALWAYS turn the tide of icky contrast to a more harmonious resonating frequency. When we get so far down that there is no place else to go but up, it is for sure forthcoming as we speak.
Even those who seem apathetic and caught up in their own creation will be at the call in due time.
I was in the PI during the Marcos ouster and I saw first hand what “people power” can accomplish. Our lettered agencies moved his body but the country was throughly fed up with corruption.
The same thing happened here in the establishment of our great nation with colonialism and taxation and the slavery issue too.
Densely populated India followed Gandhi’s example and broke away in the same manner. People will always stand up for freedom and human rights.
Rest assured all the real Americans who love their homeland and every other patriot of every country around the world will be stepping to the plate when it becomes “now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”. They always have.
Who ever doesn’t make it will surely get another opportunity to come back and GET IT RIGHT NEXT TIME😊 . You yourself have seen the que for those waiting on line!
People are waking up -the MS media just doesn’t reflect the true sentiments of the population.
We may have a few more floods via HAARP but eventually it all comes out in the wash.
We should all trust that God’s eye is on the sparrow and the church and gov’t officials will be effectively dealt with. Karma is a bitch.
Then remember
as well Lord Krishna told Arjuna not to get caught up in this world. And Lord Jesus said be in the world not of it.
I know it’s not my place to save the world but I know if I keep a positive attitude and good intentions that helps the groundswell of light frequencies that will bring about the desired outcomes.
The serenity prayer, the Lord’s prayer and the mantras Keep calm and trust God and Keep calm and carry on will be of benefit to all.
May God ALWAYS bless you for answering the call to carry out the mission you agreed to before coming to Earth this time around. And the same to all lightworkers present and passed who keep humanity flowing and growing. We’ve got eternity and It ain’t over til the fat lady sings. 😊😊😊😊
June 18, 2019
Does it die or just get voted back to life in the next round. Illusion.
June 18, 2019
Sara Blazek
To put the thought out there and consciously thinking about what we need
Old selves are dead.
Limited thought is dead.
Lack of responsibility is dead.
Disconnect is dead.
… Broke glass twice while doing dishes today and realized. I broke through a barrier, belief or a limited thought. And it made me think of this post and the hope for better things to come for the world.
March 21, 2019
Joseph Van Wyck
I agree that all of these should be dead! Can’t wait for this to happen.
Peace, Love, Light, and Joy to you Penny!
March 21, 2019
Kelley Jo Petersen
I’m sorry for your loss and hope your grief is healing. This post/list is fantastic. Your creativity and insight are wonderful in the wake of this great loss. Thank you, and yes! We must keep it going!
March 21, 2019
Hydee Tehana
What a great place to be in! The old system is dead/dying and we get to imagine, vision, and create what type of world we want to live in. We can do this together by thinking outside the box. What do we want? My vote is for a spiritually, heart connected society with peace on Earth, transparency within everything, simplicity in all, connection to our galactic friends, deeper connection to our god self and multidimensionality. Imagine being telepathic and teleporting. This would eliminate the need for phones, planes, cars, trains, etc… We can talk with our trees, animals, plants, and everything! Some of us are already doing this… Let’s dream big!
March 21, 2019
How does one keep it going in the face of rare diseases and cancer?
March 21, 2019
Karen johnson
Thank god for your book. So much death in my world from all immediate family members dieing, religious beliefs, government, my entire reality has shifted & changed. Layers of lies, delusions, illusions, what is my truth? Searching through the grief..thank god I found your powerful resonating books. Truth for me…
March 21, 2019
Thank you for this list….yes…I see all these things being exposed for what they are and how they are no longer congruent with life. I look forward to your list of what is alive. ;-)
March 21, 2019
I think airplanes are dead too. So old and outdated like driving cars – technology really has not changed much at all. Speaking of planes, I do hope the TSA remains unused, unnecessary, and goes dormant – the government shutdown does look like it has some highlights…
Related to the shutdown, I heard Penny mention on a recent Jsnip4 youtube interview that there might be a possible break-away on the coasts, naming all of the western states as one shared/governed area; WA, OR and CA. I’m wondering should I move OFF the west coast as we’ve been looking to buy a home here…?
March 21, 2019
Mary Jones
Hi, Penny. I resonate with your description of the world looking worn out and frayed. Periodically, for the past few years, I have an “aha” moment where I look at whatever, whomever is around me…and my personal sphere…and realize that it’s already gone. The appearance around me is the past, and I am looking at it. A dying world. No sadness. Nothing essential will be lost in the transition. I appreciate the note you sound in the mix of those imagining the new earth!
March 21, 2019
Thank you for your insights!
March 21, 2019
Dear Penny,
My condolences. Of all the many things is dead, we are not dead. There is still hope. I am one who wants to be apart of the re-create, renewed and revitalized movement.
Hope that I will be permitted to attend your class in May soon.
March 21, 2019
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