April 18, 2018

If The Tree Falls

If The Tree Falls
If a child screams in the night and
no one hears, can we
say it never happened?
If they catch a monster eating
pizza should they
chase it away and hope
it never happens again?
What were you doing when
that young boy was raped
split, reprogrammed?
What was so important that you
never noticed the subtle difference
didn’t care that half of him
was missing?
If the tree falls destroying
branches that sheltered us
two hundred years and
no one notices will we
say it never stood?
Will we say
it never stood because
it never appeared on our
illuminated screens?
Millions of people lost
in private illusions
selected just for them
caught in detached connections
distracting each from the
painful day, the awful truths.
Will we wake up some day
and realize it
was all done with consciousness
before we learned how to manage it
before we learned
that others were
managing it for us?
© April 18, 2018 @ 10:43am by PLKelly