I look at Hillary and Bill Clinton as the Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI of our time. The truth is going to come out, and they are likely to be destroyed. If she becomes president of the U.S., and she continues to host the ongoing financial corruption, she may even inherit the French queen’s title, Madame Deficit.
Jeannette Lyon
The comparison of Bill and Hillary Clinton to Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette is very frail. They have little in common. The better description of the Clintons is they are the Louis XV and Catherine de Medici of our time. At least the “Last Queen of France” and her husband weren’t serial killers or cold-blooded psychopaths. Nonetheless, I get where you’re from.
January 01, 2019
Kimberly Andert
Interesting comparison, although Marie did not have the kind of power HIllary has had at her disposal for so many years. I was getting very frustrated with all of the drama on both sides back in July, when the conventions were going on. Even friends that are normally intelligent, rational and peace loving were getting caught up in it, and spewing hate. I did a meditation, to help take myself out and away from all of it. I was very surprised, that during my meditation, I was shown that NEITHER current candidate would be our president! That may be wishful thinking, but I have happily been outside of the drama ever since!
July 27, 2017
Penny, if you haven’t looked into Ed Chiarini’s work about these political characters it is well worth reviewing. You can do that at his site, www.wellaware1.com
July 27, 2017
Steven Freier
So what would the outcome be if Trump gets elected?
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Very interesting, Kim. I haven’t been able to see “the election.”
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks for the tip, Joyce! I went to Ed’s website and looked around. Some of his claims are pretty far-fetched, but a few of them looked pretty substantial. I know there’s been a lot of lying and hoaxing and drama going on, and it feels like powder is accumulating in the powder keg. I know we can change without explosive events…I just wonder if anyone else is interested in a quieter kind of change or if everyone is too angry and needs a whipping boy.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Hi Steve, there would probably be some chaos and further polarization of the U.S. into regions that begin withdrawing from the union. Either way, it’s six of one thing, half dozen of another!
July 27, 2017
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Also in Letters To Earth
Children are a Gift to Oneself
January 05, 2020 1 Comment
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Money, Cryptos, Gold and a Space-based Civilization – Pt. 1
November 23, 2019 4 Comments
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
October 29, 2019 2 Comments
A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
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