A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
Madeline Day
July 27, 2017
Bob O'Brien
At the end of your conversation with Sandi (feb 9), Andi and you agreed to continue the conversations and have them available. Can you provide us the link to those future interviews?
I will be listening to your Feb 9 interview again to capture more of the details.
Thank you,
Bob O’Brien
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks, Madeline…and I haven’t forgotten you regarding a trip to FL!!
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Sure, Bob! Happy to do so! After many years of just research, writing books, and more research, I’m beginning to get organized to offer that information to a wider audience. I’ve been talking for at least 7 or 8 months about my ‘new website,’ and I’m sure people think I’m just blowing smoke, but it’s actually in progress finally. It’s been a much more complex process than I expected, but I’m loving it!! New target date is March 20th!!
July 27, 2017
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Also in Letters To Earth
Children are a Gift to Oneself
January 05, 2020 1 Comment
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Money, Cryptos, Gold and a Space-based Civilization – Pt. 1
November 23, 2019 4 Comments
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
October 29, 2019 2 Comments
A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
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