So...let's assess where we're at in terms of "the plan" and what we might do. The financial shock that hit America in 2008 was clearly engineered to reduce Americans to paupers who had little power and very few resources. Prices of food, fuel, water, and other forms of energy continue to rise steadily because of floods, droughts, and untimely weather, while income slowly goes down and jobs disappear. Bankruptcies – both real and pretended – in major corporations and cities rob people of the pensions they worked for and saved.
Following the American crisis, problems with the Euro arrived right on schedule and caused uproar. The amazing series of revolutions in African/Arab countries have been engineered with perfect timing. China and India have grown at astounding rates as they race to catch up to Western standards. The U.S. Congress has pretended to try to fix the economy. 'Natural' disasters have kept many people too busy to think about anything but restoring some semblance of order to their lives (Gulf Oil spill, Japanese tsunami, hurricane Sandy). The Newtown, CT shooting and the Boston Marathon bombing are the latest efforts to accomplish several ends – first, another attempt to disarm the American people and institute strict gun laws; second, to deepen the religious divide by pinning this nasty (sting) operation on two politically naïve boys who were practicing Muslims working for the CIA; and third, a ploy to get Russia to agree that we can do what we want with Syria.
I don’t know why Americans are so woefully ignorant about what is happening in the world. I don’t know why they are so willing to be manipulated by the media and so distracted by meaningless trivia. I do know that there is going to come a day when they wake up. When they do, they are likely to be very angry. That anger will be misplaced if it is directed anywhere but at themselves. They will have to face the fact that they were willing victims who avoided the problems they didn’t want to deal with – problems they hoped would just go away.
My hope is that there won’t be any serious national temper tantrums or immature ideas that they can make real changes using protests, marches, or armed revolt. The challenge we are setting up for ourselves will have to be resolved by an inside job – a change of consciousness.
Pat4086 Lee
Dear Penny, Long time friend here… although we have never talked or met in “person”. In 2007 I decided it was time to learn about wall street and the working of the financial markets. I found a great teacher who had been working in wall street for the past 50 years and had nothing to gain or loose by teaching others like me. Everything you have been posting is absolutely true. And everything in the Robes is also true. I have used your book to “stay out of trouble” so to speak. Being a strong Capricorn there were many times my first inclination was to join a group or start a grass roots petition. I always came back to the area of the book where they describe the nations braking up into different groups with opposing ideals. My inner voice always came through and I would step back and “Pray” instead of physically trying to make a change. My view from the observer has given me great clarity to peoples behavior. But lately I am pretty convinced that somehow we are being ‘programed’. Weather through the net or tv or just plain radio waves….I’m not sure. But friends who were once reasonable people can no longer take part in the sharing of thoughts and ideas. Perhaps this is why there are so many people who: 1)don’t have a clue of what is really going on in our county 2)can’t even discuss the different ideas that may contribute to what’s going on I won’t even go into what I see going on with our youth. It’s the most disturbing part of everything I am aware of. With that said I could use some guidance. Please:/ Spirit led my Husband and I to Fla. I believed we had work to do here. In the spirit realm my name is Soul Catcher. I help people cross over to a higher dimension. Before we decided to come here, dream realities that I have been visiting my whole life at night were being hit with tidal waves and being wiped out. (A physiologist would have a field day with this one:)) I actually learned how to "die " and find the light tunnel in each reality. It was amazing. We planned, researched and prayed. He’s a grower, also with a service to give. Nothing has gone right since we arrived a month ago. Our few dollars at this moment are not putting a roof over our head in the small town of Palm Coast Fl. It is also my belief that when things are difficult to create that I may be trying to create the wrong thing. Your connection with source is stronger then ours. Can you talk with them about us and see if Palm Coast is where we need to be? Currently we are staying at my Sister in Laws parents home. They are more of a family to us then our own blood relatives who also are in this town. (we’re temporarily in St Petersburg fl) We have been driving over to PC weekly to look at homes in our 70,000. cash price range. I am really missing my Mom who I helped cross over in 09 and my other adopted Mom who didn’t need any help crossing over in 2012. Your the closest true person other than my Husband that I know…and he is beside himself :( Any insight would be appreciated. With the Highest Regards, Patty
From: Penny Kelly >To: >Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 9:34 AM >Subject: [New post] NWO: The Plan – #2 > >Penny Kelly posted: "So…let’s assess where we’re at in terms of “the plan” and what we might do. The financial shock that hit America in 2008 was clearly engineered to reduce Americans to paupers who had little power and very few resources. Prices of food, fuel, water, and " >
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks for the note, Patty. A couple of things I might say…
First, trust yourself. A difficult month is just a difficult month. A difficult year is just a difficult year. Don’t make it more than it is.
Second, let the difficult month push you. You have created exactly what you need to learn from.
Third, be grounded in the physical world and all of its craziness, rules, limits, gifts, beauty, and mystery. Let the physical world and the need for money, food, clothing, shelter, transportation and communication work on you in every way. These are the great joys and fabulous tools with which this reality reshapes us into what we can become. The spirit of your real self is where your true spirituality is. Explore it. Bring it out. Celebrate it.
Best of luck to you!!
July 27, 2017
Pat4086 Lee
Penny, thank you so much for your insight. After writing you yesterday and sharing (not something I easily do) new doors of opportunity opened up. As if somehow… a blockage was removed. I didn’t find your post until now. Can you explain further what you mean by this comment. I don’t really understand what you are saying. The spirit of your real self is where your true spirituality is In Much appreciation, A Friend named Patty:)
From: Penny Kelly >To: >Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 9:34 AM >Subject: [New post] NWO: The Plan – #2 > >Penny Kelly posted: "So…let’s assess where we’re at in terms of “the plan” and what we might do. The financial shock that hit America in 2008 was clearly engineered to reduce Americans to paupers who had little power and very few resources. Prices of food, fuel, water, and " >
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
What I’m saying is that there is a lot of stuff out there that has been labeled as “spiritual” and it’s garbage! Most of it is just another form of dogma. Let’s say we have a doctor, a factory worker, a priest, and a thief. Let’s say that each of them is doing what they do for the money and the power it gives them. Let us say that the doctor really wanted to be a musician, the factory worker really wanted to become a teacher, the priest really wanted to study history, and the thief didn’t know what he wanted. The musician, the teacher, the historian, and the unknown self are the starting points for spiritual development in each. If the doctor and the thief decide to explore possibilities for themselves, they begin a spiritual journey and have a possibility of developing their spirituality. If the factory worker is too angry to explore who he really is, we might say that he is “mean-spirited” or that his energy is vengeful. If the priest refuses to explore his true self, he will remain spiritually undeveloped no matter how much he prays or meditates. We might say his spirit is cold or controlling. Your spirit is the feeling and energy of your real self. Spiritual development is the process of exploring and developing the spirit of your true self so you can give your gift to the world.
July 27, 2017
Pat4086 Lee
Thanks for your reply:) What your saying is “Follow your Bliss”:) Got it…that’s why we came here:) I just got caught up in the details and the energy of the city we are staying in short term until we get settled. Thanks for reminding me:) Many Many Thanks! Hug, Patty
From: Penny Kelly >To: >Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 9:34 AM >Subject: [New post] NWO: The Plan – #2 > >Penny Kelly posted: "So…let’s assess where we’re at in terms of “the plan” and what we might do. The financial shock that hit America in 2008 was clearly engineered to reduce Americans to paupers who had little power and very few resources. Prices of food, fuel, water, and " >
July 27, 2017
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