November 15, 2016

People Voted for Change in Government...Not in the Electoral College!!

People are pushing the idea of removing the Electoral College!?! IMHO this is a very bad idea. The Electoral College was formed with an eye to preventing any possibility of groups of states with selfish regional interests from ganging up on smaller states or states far away from their problems and issues, and then pushing their agenda onto those smaller or more remote states. It was a way of making sure that we were all in this together. Removing the Electoral College will clear the way for exactly this kind of ganging up to happen and will probably guarantee the breakup of the U.S. into smaller regional governments with localized platforms. We stand a chance of breaking up anyway because we have grown past the practicality of democracy. The concept of "one-person-one-vote" does not work well once you get past a certain number of people. It's like nanotechnology - all the rules change at certain sizes. Of course, we may also break up simply by leaving Mr. Trump in place, however, there is no reason to expect that anything bad will happen just because he is president - unless we are not paying attention to what is going on! People voted for change, but I don't think they wanted change in the Electoral College... they wanted a say in their own lives. Trump is only in for four years. Someone else may follow him IF we hang together as a country. Tearing up the Electoral College is almost certainly going to have long-term results that we do not want and didn't expect, including the breakup of the nation. However one chooses to look at the situation, it is clear that Trump is a harbinger of change, and going back to change what worked in the past is not where we should be putting our time and attention. We must keep the democratic principles and move on and up to new forms of self-governance that are yet to be created.