November 24, 2015


Someone sent me an article about Sasquatch and asked me to read it and let them know what I thought of it. I read it and thought it was a perfect example of the problem with so much “new age” media. So I decided to respond to it on my blog as well as to the individual who sent it. The article was about a gentleman in British Columbia who said he had established physical and telepathic communication with a Sasquatch elder. It was an interesting read, although quite cliché in its narrative. If you would like to read the full article, click on this link… (I had to break up the link to get it to display properly, so you may have to put it back together to get it to work.) _source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ ArcturianAscensionTools+%28Arcturian+Ascension+Tools%29 As for what I think about the article, the positives are:
  • I have every respect for people who are attempting to communicate with a life-form that is not part of everyday experience for others.
  • I know the message of encouragement to connect with Mother Earth is true and necessary.
  • The article contains a message of warning about the need to awaken and evolve toward peace or suffer the destruction of our world, a warning that I am very aware of already.
  • I know how reclusive the Sasquatch are and how resilient they are.
  • I know people who have been communicating with Sasquatch for some time, so the article is not totally out there in left field.
The negatives are:
  • Anyone who has experienced telepathy and then tried to write about it is forced to put it in their own words. This kind of translation is challenging, and inexperienced people usually do a poor job at best because they do not know how to separate the message received from their own already-existing beliefs. The translation ends up being full of the biases and beliefs of the author, and this article is no exception.
  • The grammar is atrociously bad! I know that not everyone has excellent writing skills, but it does not help to raise the level of discussion about these matters when the grammar is not even sixth grade level. People are barely willing to read anymore, and bad writing only makes reading more difficult. Worse, such bad writing is dismissed before what it says is even considered. If you don’t write well, find someone who does to correct what you put out there.
  • The use of singular verbs that are inconsistent with the plural nouns they refer to is maddening and creates a feeling of confusion in the reader. If you are going to put something out there for others to read, for god’s sake do some editing. Just because someone wrote it that way (poorly) doesn’t mean it has to be published that way (poorly).
  • The use of the made-up word “uncivilization” sounds like a modern and very current construction. The Sasquatch do not have much of a language and it is highly unlikely this word would fit the language skills of the Sasquatch, so the best we can say is that this is a good example of author bias. It does get the point across that someone – either the author or the Sasquatch – does not think we deserve to be called “civilized.”
  • The references to Atlantis and Mu are cliché and out of place. The author’s statements do not match what I have seen at all. (Not that I am an expert on either Atlantis or Mu, or the final arbiter of what went on back then.) Neither Atlantis nor Mu was destroyed because they were “bad.” They were simply located in low-lying areas that were inundated when the glaciers melted and the sea level rose over 350 feet in three distinct flooding episodes. All the stories about them being punished for having strayed from “divine law” are projections of current religious themes that we are caught in.
  • The photos or drawings inserted into the text of the article are completely inappropriate and take away from the seriousness the author seems to want to convey.
  • While there are very advanced beings from other dimensions and other star systems who work in teams to seed new worlds, the way this is often portrayed is inaccurate. This article offers one of those inaccurate portrayals.
  • I am very uncomfortable with people who use the concepts of punishment, war, and extraterrestrials to justify their beliefs, to frame their beliefs, or as reasons for us to do something different.
  • I am very suspect of people who project the concepts of God, devils, punishment, war, money, extraterrestrials, patriarchy, or even the supremacy of humanoids, etc. onto the rest of the cosmos. These are memes from our current, very primitive culture. We are in the habit of assuming that these concepts form the main framework of life in all places and all times. They are not, and thinking they are is cultural arrogance coupled with ignorance.
  • The entire article has the flavor of entertainment that is being used to get a personal message across, something common on the internet.
  • The title of the article, Arcturian Ascension Tools: Sasquatch, gives the impression that someone is trying to connect extraterrestrials to Sasquatch. It’s always possible that this is the desired goal, but in my small experience with extraterrestrials, they don’t need many tools, especially Sasquatch. They do have technology, but their main tool is consciousness and they use it to perfection.
In closing, I am very uncomfortable with writers who are unable to give the human race credit for anything. Thus, someone else created us, someone else cheated or manipulated us, someone else is responsible for keeping us down, and someone else will rescue us. This is crap. We are powerful beings who have made poor choices again and again. If we don’t take responsibility soon for what we’ve done, we will just blow out like a candle in the wind. The gift of life has to be nurtured. No one owes us a life. The great freedom, which we refer to as free will, is to do whatever we want with the life we have. Life is meant to be enjoyed. It offers all kinds of beauty, feelings, experiences, pleasures, and surprises. But the law of life is, “Nurture life or die.” Our world is pretty far out on one of the limbs of the tree of life. One good storm and it’s over. The great freedom and largesse that comes to us with the gift of life is given to us without interference because the end result is guaranteed…Either figure out how to nurture life, or the civilization will collapse due to its own violence and stupidity, thus insuring that no really bad civilizations endure.