Our country is a mess. I weep frequently for all of us. What will it take to get people to see that there is a war going on? It started long ago, became brazen with the successful elimination of JFK and has crept forward, quietly manipulating elections in order to maintain the illusion of democracy, forcing Reagan to take on Bush as vice president so they could assassinate Reagan and slide Bush into place, testing to see how much they could get away with, how much we would put up with… pushing the agenda slowly…capturing our senators and representatives one at a time in nets of surveillance, bribery, drugs, sex, or plain old guilt until these terrified servants did exactly as they were told, while murdering anyone who crossed them.
How long will it be before we recognize that there are new technologies, hidden weapons, secret techniques for splitting consciousness and programming part of it to do what the original wholeness would never have done. How many Trade Center disasters, Colorado theater shootings, Navy yard shootings, Sandy Hook hoaxes, Pulse nightclub murders, or Las Vegas assassinations do we have to have before we wake up and see what is going on? How many trillions of our dollars have to disappear into the black hole of black budgets before we realize that roads, bridges, water systems, electrical grids, and infrastructure are crumbling because the money is being spent to pay off those who have been complicit in the war that is slowly taking the U.S. down. If you think that's not true, look at this as just one example...
I have clients and friends in many places around the world. They are angry with the U.S. Why? Because we were an icon of freedom, hope, and personal potential. We inspired them. Now they ask me, “What is wrong with the American people??!! Why are they letting this happen to them and their country?” I do not know what to say. Others can see it. Why can't we?
We are caught between two warring factions struggling for power and willing to kill the innocent and uninvolved. They are doing it on our backs, and we are paying them to do it. I don’t know how long it will take to wake people up, but at this rate more are going to die. What do we need to do?
It is much too soon for this prescription because too many are still playing naïve, still caught in red vs. blue, Trump vs. Hillary, left vs. right and other meaningless either-or arguments, refusing to wake up and grow up, but I’m going to say it anyway. Our democracy is not working. It might even be dead. We need to…
- Stop everything
- Figure out specifically who is fighting who
- Determine the goals or proposed outcomes
- Decide whether we want those goals or not
- Assess whether it is possible to satisfy both sides in some way
- Give ourselves permission to change
- Embark on an exploratory process to experience some of the possible alternatives as a lifestyle
- Make decisions about those experiences
- Compile those decisions into a reasonable structure or framework, and
- Set about refining the structure as we unfold our future.
Is that future guaranteed to look familiar? No. Is it guaranteed to work the way we imagine? No. Can we set up something that allows and nurtures our evolution to a more expansive consciousness? That remains to be seen. Can we keep going as we are? No. We will devolve further, disintegrate into civil wars all over the place, and end up being taken over by who knows what. It is time to wake up. It is time to step into political and spiritual maturity before the spirit and structure of the U.S. is lost forever.
This reminds me of “Derren Brown: The Assassin with Stephen Fry”. I highly suggest you watch it, if you can find it.
January 02, 2020
Christopher Tanner
The truth is coming out, and the audience is growing. Look at the Q anon movement as proof.
December 23, 2018
I would really like to see the video but youtube has taken it down for violating its harassment and bullying policy.
Can you tell me the name of the youtube channel so that I can at least see some other videos?
December 23, 2018
Beatrice Cote
Did you just really state that the Sandy Hook children shootings were a hoax? Does that mean you believe students were not shot? Did paramedics, RNs, doctors stage the bloody bodies? What do your elves have to say about your assessment of this situation?
December 23, 2018
karen thomas
Sandy Hook hoax? Have you done due diligence and researched this to verify that it really is a hoax? Have you gone to Newtown, CN and verified that the shooting did not take place? Do you have tangible proof that this horrific event did not take place? Frankly, it doesn’t make any sense to stage such a horrible event just to justify not having common sense gun laws.
December 23, 2018
About these “civil wars” and the gangs that the “The Robes” showed you occurring in the 2020 decade – Does it appear that these clans or split off areas will be racist in initial formation and composition? It seems very easy for the current militia or racist types to be the best armed and the most willing or “predispositioned” to separate the races (more like ethnicity) from people like themselves. In other words, do you think these “states” will be divided by race. Looking at the current situation, it would seem so – which is horrible news for minorities who are only so by skin color and have been in America and true Americans longer than the so called majority. BTW – no worries – this is no way the 2nd amendment will ever be overturned – and if it did occur, no one would acquiesce or even enforce. The nation may/will be torn asunder and not exist before that would happen. But the guns would never be taken or given up. No way. No how. Thanks ! J
December 23, 2018
catherine preus
I see that the video you provide a link for has been taken down. Is there anything else you recommend?
December 23, 2018
catherine preus
I see that the video you provide a link for has been taken down. Is there anything else you recommend?
December 23, 2018
noreille franky
A free awakening app that realy works for everybody?
December 23, 2018
catherine preus
The YouTube video has been taken down it seems.
December 23, 2018
FYI: the link https://youtu.be/jWbk_xKCyME doesn’t work anymore.
December 23, 2018
Madeline Day
Your link has been removed by YouTube.
January 01, 2019
Madeline Day
Oops! It’s You-Tube that’s removed the video, not FB.
December 23, 2018
Madeline Day
FaceBook has removed the YouTube link you gave. Hmmm!
December 23, 2018
Steve Aiken
I am not sure who the we and they are that you are referring to. War and killings have been a part of this world since Cain and Able. In the 60’s, when I was growing into a man and caring an M-16 as pictured, there was a lot of unrest – with anti war demonstrations, women’s liberation movement being increased, civil rights started, social welfare expanded and others that I am sure that I am missing. All of this while man achieved one of the greatest feats known to date with putting a man on the moon in 1969. I feel that we need to find a way for it to be US and not they.
October 06, 2017
Sid Babula
Penny the earth is sending SOS but who is listening. You and other enlightened SOULS are. WE must not give up hope.The forecast for pain is that just a forecast. BE vigalent for love is the deciding factor. A fellow MICHIGANDER STANDS with you.
October 05, 2017
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Also in Letters To Earth
Children are a Gift to Oneself
January 05, 2020 1 Comment
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Money, Cryptos, Gold and a Space-based Civilization – Pt. 1
November 23, 2019 4 Comments
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
October 29, 2019 2 Comments
A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
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