Millions of people believe that the New World Order is trying to kill us off and reduce the population. And maybe they are. But behind every single wacky assault – from Bird Flu to Zika virus, the real goal is to have an excuse to transfer money. Millions of dollars have gone into “research” of Bird Flu, and billions into Zika “research.” Who really got this money? I doubt that any workers got a raise just because the government was handing out emergency money. I’m sure the labs who received some of this money felt more secure, but who got the biggest chunk?
An even bigger money transfer game is climate change. Google the question, “How much money has been spent on climate change?” and just look at the first page of search results. Shocking! The amount was $21.4 billion in 2014, which was a little less than was spent in 2013.
That’s about $43 billion in only two years. Has the climate changed? Yes. Did the government do it? No. Where has the climate changed? It’s gotten cooler in a lot of places that were too hot, and warmer in a lot of places that were too cold. Record cold and incredible snows are occurring in northern Europe, across Russia and China, and down into Saudi Arabia. All of that is on the other side of the world. Meanwhile, record warmth has been occurring in America and Greenland.
If one side of the planet is suddenly cooler, and the other side is suddenly warmer, and natives of the Arctic and Greenland are saying the sun is coming over the horizon earlier than normal in the spring, then does it make sense that the planet may have rolled a little? Yes. Did the government make that happen? I doubt it. I know the government likes to think it is all-powerful, but if there is any climate change, they didn't do it and neither did we 'ordinary' humans.
On the other hand, has there been a change in our environment? Yes. Why? Because we are tearing up our own home. Does it make any sense to keep dumping millions of tons of waste into the ocean when the oceans feed more than half of us? Does it make sense to build mega-cities in low-lying areas or in areas where there isn’t good air flow? Does it make sense to run miles of fragile oil pipelines across the landscape when we know that small earthquakes can and do happen regularly around the entire planet, shifting things about? Does it make sense to ruin the rivers, creeks, and streams so that the only clean water we can get is immature water from underground? Does it make sense to cut down forest after forest when we know that trees provide oxygen for us? Does it make sense to pour millions of tons of poisons and heavy metals onto our soils and then grow our food in it? Does it make sense to eat factory-made foods with no nutrition in them? Does it make sense to keep using oil when we have access to plasma?
We need to wise up and sort things out. Most of the stuff we accuse the government of doing to kill us off may be mostly something they dreamed up to transfer money among themselves. Much of what we call ‘climate change’ is really destruction of the planet’s systems that support our lives. No wonder the planet has rolled over! Thank god she hasn’t rolled into her grave. We need an entirely new way of living if we want to survive our own mess!
Diane Cartwright
Good post! Now how can we wise up about plasma? Really interested.
About climate change though, I think it’s at least exacerbated by human transportation using fossil fuels and heating with it. I favour solar, geothermal and new wind technology at this point.
I am against more pipelines but still drive a car and this sticks in my craw.
I have a lot of questions but new energy – plasma – is top of mind from your above posting.
Thank you from Canada
Lyn Cartwright
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks, Diane! The best place to learn about plasma is a 2-hour interview given by Mehran Keshe in Sept. 2011. It’s a game changer. I learned quite a bit about plasma when working with Dr. Wm. Levengood. Anyway, settle down after supper some evening with a cup of tea or a beer and watch the entire thing. Try this link, then scroll down to the video titled, Introduction to the Keshe Foundation. You might have to sign up with your name when you first go to the site, but they don’t do any heavy marketing that floods you with emails.
July 27, 2017
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