October 07, 2015


[This is longer than I like my posts to be, but I couldn’t make it any shorter. It is structured as one brief introductory paragraph and one long, run-on paragraph because I wanted the information in the long paragraph to engulf you without a break in the same way the world engulfs us all…without a break, without time off, and without the ability to take little bites in the form of separate sentences that allow us to grasp things in neatly segregated pieces that we never put together as a whole.] When I give a talk somewhere, I am frequently surprised that so many people have no idea what is going on in the world. They can hardly believe some of the things I mention, and I can hardly believe they don’t know what I’m talking about. At a talk last June, I promised to put together a list of newspapers and websites that I read frequently. As I was putting the list together, I ended up reviewing what is happening in the world. That led to forgetting the list of links and news sources, and putting together a “snapshot” of what is going on at the moment. I think the reason people don't know what is going on is because U.S. media is feeding them drivel in order to keep things under control. You have to go outside our media to get the truth...or at least a broader and deeper view. There are wars raging across the northern tier of Africa, all the way around the eastern end of the Mediterranean, up into the Ukraine, and over into Afghanistan. All of these wars have been started by the U.S. in an attempt to keep Russia landlocked, cut off Russian pipelines, and encircle China in order to contain the once-sleeping giant. Russia is bombing the strongholds of the U.S.-created, U.S.-trained, and U.S-financed terrorist groups known variously as al Quaeda/al Nusrah/ISIS/ISIL/IS. Japan is arguing with Russia over the Kuril Islands to the north of Japan, and Taiwan is the subject of arguments between the U.S. and China to the south. There is a ferocious but hidden war going on within the U.S. to wrest control of the U.S. from those who have taken over our financial system, our legal system, and the republic itself. When the corrupt ones in the U.S. were in full control, the goal was to get control of poor Syria, kick out Assad, and put in a “democratic” puppet. Now that the corrupt ones are teetering, the good guys in the white hats have made deals with Russia, Iran, and Iraq to make sure Assad stays, which is why Russia is bombing the heck out of ISIS strongholds in Syria...and why the U.S. really can’t say much because if they do, they’ll expose the truth about the fact these are U.S.-backed terrorists doing U.S. dirty work. Brazil is reeling from the same kind of corruption that has taken over the United States. Venezuela and Spain are arguing between themselves, even as Venezuela is fighting within itself and assassinating grassroots leaders who try to improve life for all. Somalia continues its fight against al Shabaab while it tries to deal with refugees from Ethiopia. Ethiopia continues to struggle with Eritrea and is the source of the second biggest refugee crisis in Africa. Eritrea is struggling with itself, its poverty, its martyrs, and its requirement of unending education and then unending "service," which never allows anyone to leave. “The unfortunate ones who try to escape are kidnapped, or deported, held for ransom, sold, or used as body parts and left in the desert.” Egypt has seen a drop in their foreign reserve financial accounts from $35.8 Billion down to $16.8 Billion, making it clear that tourists and investors don’t like revolution. Yemen is still bombing and being bombed, caught in the foibles of the West and its northern neighbor, Saudi Arabia. Jordan is in bed with the Israeli-U.S.-Turkey corrupt ones and is involved in training terrorists. Europe is being swamped with refugees from Syria, Iraq, Libya, and other countries in northern Africa who are trying to get away from the wars that have bombed them back to the Stone Age. An international court has declared that data mining by the NSA is illegal, thus closing off NSA access to information from U.S. and E.U. corporations. Mexico is struggling to retain at least a little of its power, quite a bit of which has been smuggled away by drug lords who control whole cities. Afghanistan was a major site of fighting until the U.S. pipeline went through in the south of the country. It seemed to move to the back burner, but has recently re-emerged because the problem of how to keep control of that pipeline out of the hands of the Taliban have come up again. China’s economy has lost 40% of its value since June. It is being slowly smothered by coal smog, and the Chinese are not sure what to do after vicious attacks that tried to explode their main financial supercomputer in Tianhe, a computer that is twice as fast as anything the U.S. has. Canada seems frozen in a position of subservience to the corruption in Washington DC and can’t admit that their involvement in current wars is in direct violation of their own national laws. Ditto for France. Israel-The-Paranoid continues to pull the strings in Washington DC, because the U.S. military is the major military arm of Netanyahu’s cabinet. Fighting may have slowed between North Sudan and South Sudan, which recently broke into two countries, but both are uneasy. Chad, Niger, and Nigeria continue to fight Boko Haram - another bunch of terrorists started, funded, and trained by the United States. Turkey continues to play monkey-in-the-middle between Russia, Israel, and the U.S., while all four countries continue to exploit the amazing fighting skills of the Kurds who usually get dumped once the fighting is over. Libya may never recover from the various factions now fighting for control within it. It, too, may as well be back in the Stone Age. Ukraine continues to fight, then smolder on the back burner, then fight, then smolder on the back burner, depending on whether or not the U.S. needs it as propaganda against Russia. Australia can’t seem to find itself or a humane position from which to operate and suffers from serious foot-in-mouth disease as it struggles with the fact that it is located within the Asian sphere of influence while strings are being pulled from yonder England. Japan is under the thumb of the U.S. and their Prime Minister Abe is one of our puppets. Their struggle to get free of this has been ongoing since their loss to us in WWII. There has been a serious financial war going on between East and West that centers around the price of oil and an attempt to sink the Russian economy, which is based heavily on oil. Stupidly, we put sanctions on Russia, which merely taught them to be more resourceful and more creative. Within the West itself another war unfolds between the Rockefeller camp and the Rothschild camp. The Rockefellers are losing, mostly because the Rothschilds are older and have more experience. They also have the good sense to read the writing on the wall and have learned over time to go along with big changes while watching for ways to re-establish control. The Rothschilds don’t waste time trying to win petty battles only to end up losing the war. I think it’s quite interesting that, 1. An article in an Iowa newspaper presents an amazing and coherent story containing considerable evidence, including dozens of photographs belonging to Otto Skorzeny, that Prescott Bush and his son, George Herbert Walker Bush, were originally Nazi operatives and George’s real name was George H. Scherff. 2. That many Nazis fled to South America and assumed new identities, and 3. The Bush family has purchased huge amounts of land in South America where they intend to run if things get difficult for them here. Is the Nazi history trying to repeat itself? The Israelis are doing the same thing to the Palestinians that was done to them by Hitler. How will we ever heal Israel when she has cast herself as the perpetual scapegoat child of Earth’s family? In Argentina they are still using the excuse of “no birth certificate or paperwork – no rights” to deny hundreds of thousands of people the right to education, medical care, and income-producing work. The fastest internet systems in the world are not to be found in the Americas – either north or south. Almost all are in Asia or Europe, which brings the question, why doesn’t the U.S. have decent internet? Are they afraid of what full connectivity would do? There is talk of the coming Balkanization of the United States – a breakup into half a dozen regions – which has been the fate of many places, especially in Eastern Europe, and now the Middle East and Africa. Why? Because a small regional power will not have the ability to challenge a one-world government. The U.S. will run out of money on November 5th of this year. There are serious droughts in Zambia and faltering efforts to keep what little electricity they have going. South Africa is having similar problems. The islands of Kiribati continue to sink slowly as the seas rise. Germany is making the same attempt to distract its citizens with sports and movie drivel as the U.S. does to its citizens. That may backfire as the Germans try to absorb 1.5 million refugees from everywhere who are hungry and tired and have no interest in drivel. And if you have any doubt that Americans are being fed a lot of belly-button gazing, narcissistic crap designed to keep us distracted and dumbed down about what is happening, take a quick look at this website!!: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/19insert-word-here-differences-between-time-magazine-us-and#.rlVMBx4x6 "The great paradox about this age of perfect communication, of course, is that nobody knows anything about what's going on." – Wolcott Gibbs, from Backward Ran Sentences, written in 1941.