December 23, 2015

High Stakes

Years ago, after revealing mind-blowing scenes of our future, the Robes said to me, “You are to stay out of the tear down. There are teams in place that will take down the old systems. You are on the build-up side. You are needed to help guide in creating the new systems.” I noted their comment, and thought, “Yeah…okay. No problem.” I didn’t think anything about the comment at the time. I just noted it. But over the years, especially the last ten years, it has been really hard to stay out of the tear-down. The combination of comprehensive input from the Robes, my natural and highly practiced intuition, the discipline to read widely, and the ability to recognize whole patterns with a tiny drop of information have made it excruciating to remain silent about so many things. A friend wrote to me shortly before the Climate Conference in Paris and asked if I agreed with an email making the rounds about the conference being a façade for a meeting of the New World Order and a sinister plan to bring in global governance and collapse in December. I wrote back: ”No, I don’t think I agree. I think we have to go past the paranoia about a New World Order. If we can’t come together as one, we’re left with the old order, which is rotten to the core. Nations are over. Oil is over. Corrupt banking is over. Pharmaceuticals and Monsanto and our current form of education are over…or maybe I should say those things have had their heyday and now something new is rising.  The “dark” team is faltering. The “light” team is running neck and neck, and it’s picking up speed. I even see signs they are pulling ahead. Yes, there are problems…especially with the awful surveillance going on, and the staggering debt we have. All of this will have to be dealt with. But I see the Paris meeting of all those leaders coming together to finish off the Cabal. There’s been a vicious war going on for some time now to take down the Cabal, and many countries are working together to accomplish that. They might succeed, they might fail, and they might do a half-assed job, but at least they’re in agreement that the Cabal and its corruption has to end. It’s a start.” The stakes are really high right now. Even if the financial system falls, even if Turkey and Saudi Arabia go to war against Syria and Iran for a while, even if there are half a dozen more false flag shootings in an attempt to get Americans to give up our guns (I’ll say more about this later), hold the vision and make choices that lead toward a world at peace. The Paris conference demonstrated clearly that we are all together at the heart level in a very big way.  Millions of people are poised to help one another out if the financial system falls. Foolish wars end quickly. And the only reason the Cabal wants us to give up guns is so that we can’t shoot them when we finally recognize the murder, fraud, lies, and double-dealing they have perpetrated. Be wise like a fox. Work cooperatively within the system if you have to but keep your eyes open for places you can make a difference. Be yourself. Take calculated risks. Do something new. Look more deeply at the propaganda that is presented as news and figure out what is really going on. Listen carefully for clues that the people around you are seeing and understanding what is happening. Talk about the future, not the past. Be excited about change. Be bold in your thought and feeling. Give yourself the gift of acceptance for Christmas this year. Merry Christmas!