I have concluded that we do not have an ideology, we have an idiotology. Ideology is defined as: "A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.."
According to Louis Althusser, ideology "can be described as a set of conscious and unconscious ideas that make up one's beliefs, goals, expectations, and motivations."
Our current idiotology is based on belief in: the Capitalist system, the Male-dominant system, Wars forever, Progress based on debt, Failing to Feed people, Medicine that causes health problems, Education that constricts consciousness, Business that competes, Allowing 1% of the people to own everything, Destruction of the environment, Religions based on rules made up by humans, Monsanto et al.
Yes, I share the same frustration that you expressed. Big hugs, Randall The main point is, we still have a lot of work to do to raise consciousness to a higher level. A lot has been done, but a lot more must be done.
Sent from my iPhone
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
You’re right, Randall…a LOT of work to do yet. I sometimes wonder if we’ll know when we’re “there”…and then I remember that success and “getting there” is different for each generation! I guess that’s why it’s important to enjoy the journey!!
July 27, 2017
Devolution is real.
Julian Guido Lauzzana www.EarthenHeart.com www.PrimalDigital.com
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
I probably shouldn’t laugh, but your comment made me laugh out loud. So true! We used to be so much more advanced. We took this path into technology to get to the point of this internet, which is supposed to remind us that we can learn to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. But somehow we’ve failed to notice the significance of our creation!
July 27, 2017
Lena Larsson
You mentioned “male dominant systems”. One of the things I am missing in the world today is the good, protecting male energy. It seems to me that there are attempts to afeminize men in order to make them believe they are bad and without personal power.
July 27, 2017
I hope to meet you in the flesh and read some of your books. I appreciate your writing. It resonates.
July 27, 2017
Linda Hedquist
The US Constitution was written by the 1% to protect their property rights and allow them to extract and develop the natural resources of this continent as quickly as possible. Which made some sense back when they were trying to create a new country capable of standing up to big, powerful countries like France, England, and Spain. But times have changed. Now we need systems of government that protect human and environmental health, and a complete human re-orientation to the natural world and what makes life worth living. So re-doing the system from the ground up is what we have to do. I guess we’ll see if we are up to it or not.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Yes, I agree. Men are not bad. I miss the men who are like my father was – intelligent, energetic, wise, a gentleman, and all male. Male-dominant systems without the strong presence and influence of women can be terribly out of balance.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks, primaldigital! Perhaps one of these days we will meet!
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
I think about that world, Linda, the one that protects life and health, the one full of people connected to Mother Earth who celebrate living. Even with all my preparation thanks to the little men in brown robes, I still had great difficulty in seeing the world as “in the midst of the shift” as opposed to “things are falling apart.” One day I would be quite excited, the next I would be in despair at what was happening. I think I have finally made the change all the way to seeing and celebrating the shift!!
July 27, 2017
Linda Hedquist
I relate! I am still at the point of mostly going back and forth between elation and despair. But I am conscious about that…which is a good start. And slowly working my way towards, as you say, a steady celebration of shift as I find ways of participating in it that bring me joy. Thanks for the encouragement. I loved Robes and always look forward to your posts.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Ahh, Linda! Sisters in spirit! Big thanks for the encouragement and so glad you liked Robes. We’ll get there. It might be messy, but we’ll get there!!
July 27, 2017
Phillip Van Der Merwe
Hi Penny,
To contemplate the idiotology driving our Constitutional Kleptocracy here in Africa only brings despair and serves no purpose. From another perspective, to witness the shift that is happening on an individual level is a wondrous thing and perhaps we have already arrived with this crazy messed up situation providing the perfect conditions to move forward.
Lots of love
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Hi Phillip! Nice to hear from you. And I agree…if we’re seeing the shift, that’s a whole different thing from seeing only the collapse!
PS – got a kick out of your terms ‘Constitutional Kleptocracy.’ Sounds like we’re all in much the same boat!!
July 27, 2017
BTW this is Julian Lauzzana in Bangor. Not sure when or how I set upbthis wordpress thing. Working on it all now. I have primal digital and earthen heart. Art and Food.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Hello Julian! I went to your website and looked around. I like what you’re doing. I’m very interested in the development of good food, a sturdy tourist economy, beautiful art and music, and excellent crafts in southwest Michigan!! Keep going…!!
July 27, 2017
michael masters
Well said But things might start to change Around Autumn there this year If you listen to Bashar
Sent from Outlook Mobile
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks, Michael, and I will check out what Bashar has to say!
July 27, 2017
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