I wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with the warmth of family...and may you relax in the knowing that some of that warmth comes from the ever-present friction that is natural in all families, for this is what causes us to grow and change at the core.
Much love Angel,
Each thought you give is positive, in a world that thrives on negative…
Blessings to you and your family this day
July 27, 2017
Sahar Huneidi
Bless you Penny wishing you wonderfully happy New Year xxxx
I am not what happened to me, I am what I chose to become. Carl Jung
Dubai: + 97155635 1302 U.K.: +44 7850 166 563 www.SaharHuneidi.com www.SaharStore.com www.ps-magazine.com www.Ketheric.com www.HolistiCentre.com
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks, Drew! The world doesn’t need more negative stuff…we just need truth…to leave ourselves alone, stop picking on ourselves, stop the inner angst.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
A Bright and Merry Christmas to you and Andrew, Sahar!!
July 27, 2017
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Also in Letters To Earth
Children are a Gift to Oneself
January 05, 2020 1 Comment
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Money, Cryptos, Gold and a Space-based Civilization – Pt. 1
November 23, 2019 4 Comments
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A Barry Sanders Moment...
October 29, 2019 2 Comments
A Barry Sanders Moment...
"...Barry Sanders was a little guy, only 5’8”, but he was fast, he was light on his feet, he was alert, and he was supremely flexible. It didn’t matter that the forces arrayed against him were huge, heavy, and coming from every direction, all of them ready to pile on. Each of us is a little guy compared to the forces we now face. I think it’s time to decide if you’re going to be around long enough to help build a new civilization.
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