November 25, 2015

Paris Parallels

Isn’t it amazing how many similarities there are between the Paris attacks and the attacks of September 11th in the U.S.? The alleged attackers in both scenarios came from Middle Eastern countries that the cabal has been wanting to take over – Iraq then, and Syria now. The attacks weren’t even a few hours old when French President Hollande accused Syria of being involved. He sounded just like the Bush gang accusing Iraq of being involved in 9/11. Someone very conveniently found the I.D. of one of the Paris attackers in the trash, just like someone found the I.D. of one of the men allegedly involved in the Trade Center bombings. Additional incriminating evidence of bombs and jackets have been found in other trash bins, making the whole thing look and sound so hokey. Even before they found the I.D., police began going after people they said were involved in the attacks. How did they know who these people were? How did they identify them so quickly? Other murder cases languish for years, sometimes forever. It turns out, they had been watching some of the attackers for years, and then carefully looked away as the attackers planned and carried out their attacks. The same tactic was used in the U.S. around the 9/11 attacks. I can’t help but think about the regular surveillance that goes on by U.S., British, and French authorities and how easy it would be for them to keep their finger on the pulse of what’s happening among the so-called terrorists. Using this 'inside information,' they could then use the old Rothschild habit of pretending to support both sides of a conflict in order to create a desired situation, and then betray the attackers by turning on them! Of course, the attackers usually end up dead once their usefulness has been exhausted so they can’t talk about who funded or supplied them. All of France shut down, just as the U.S. did, on the basis of fear. Suddenly people are being checked at train stations, airports, and borders – a total invasion of privacy. Even more disturbing is the reappearance of closed borders, razor wire, and distrust. We didn’t see the borders close or razor wire here in the U.S., but we did see the distrust of anyone who looked like they were from the Middle East. In Paris, there is a clear attitude of “stay in your house, stay out of the way, and don’t ask questions.” We’ve seen that here in the U.S. in both the Boston bombing, and after 9/11 when George Bush threatened everyone by saying we either had to be ‘with the government or against it’ – no room for anything in the middle that might question what just happened or why. In the U.S. the sorely misnamed Patriot Act was rushed through after the 9/11 attacks. We’ll probably soon see what France will try to push through as part of their attack agenda…sigh…so tired of all the terrorism stuff. It's like a never-ending game of cops and robbers. How long do we have to keep playing? I wish the government would grow up.