What good are you, Government, with your patriot laws and
constitutional facades, when you cannot stop the flare of false flags
as regular as morning dew?
What good are you, Newspaper, with your drama and drivel,
when you cannot discern the difference
between propaganda and news?
What good are you, Big Pharma, with your miracle pills and
magic suppression of symptoms, if the make-believe cure
is worse than the original disease?
What good are you, Big Ag, with your rolling acres of corn and soy,
if all you can offer is paper food that fails to nourish
the bodies you claim to be growing for?
What good are you, Weatherman, with your computer models and
climate data, when you are not the one
controlling the weather?
What good are you, Mr. Ed, with your classroom theories and
petty cliques, when all you accomplish is lockstep thought that
never ventures outside the box?
What good are you, Master Fed, with your printing presses and trillions of dollars,
when you cannot balance a single checkbook, half of us are hungry,
and you reserve all of the money for a handful of crooked dealers?
What good are you, Science, with your complex algorithms and fancy theorems,
if everything you say has been bought and paid for and
nothing you proclaim nurtures daily reality?
What good are you, Corporation, with your fat paychecks and fancy profits,
when your soulless routines and habitat destruction
squeeze the creative spark out of every soul?
What good are you, Facebook, with your social media and meta connections,
if nothing of passion or prejudice is allowed and we all mince words
to match your definitions of political and social correctness?
© 6.29.2016 Penny Kelly
Bravo! Well said!
July 27, 2017
Helen Pearson
WOW that has said it all and what I truely believe is our reality . Change will come even one awakening at a time!! My hat is off to you Penny!
July 27, 2017
How eloquent! You’ve said a lot of what I’ve been thinking. Well done.
July 27, 2017
Bruce L Erickson
Penny, you just won the “Real McCoy” award for absolute reality statements…..great job I want with your permission to make a copy of this and hand it out to me forthcoming workshop in Zion, Utah.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
LOL! Can you see me taking a bow??!!!
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thanks so much, Helen!
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Diana, coming from you, that’s a compliment! Thank you!
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Thank you, Bruce, and yes, you have my permission to make a copy and hand it out at your workshop. That feels like quite the honor!!
July 27, 2017
Absolutely perfect and Happy Independence Day! Can I repost this elsewhere, citing you as author?
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Sure, post it where you think it might wake a few people up! Thank you! And happy 4th to you and the rest of the world, as well!
July 27, 2017
“No good at all really” :-P
- Which is why we are trying t set up a few acres of land and attract the “right” sort of folks for the next few years in one of my known vortex areas nearby.
Maybe I can get tips of your enture – minus the grapes that will not grown here… elves aside… ;-)
Hope you are well, See you in time, davID
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
David! Hello!! You might be exactly right with that sassy answer.
July 27, 2017
Jim Fox
What good are you,general public? If your shown, and made aware, of all these problems with this world, and choose to look away and do nothing about them.
July 27, 2017
Penny Kelly
Touche, Jim! Thanks for your comment.
You were not the only one to have this reaction! Here is a very similar comment from Vaughn:
Hey Penny,,, You forgot one… “What good are you people, when you
know the truth and you don’t stand for it!” And so the only ones
left, are those who don’t know the truth…. divine intervention is the only hope?
July 27, 2017
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